Welcome to Our Database of Pool Articles!
You can find here pool articles in variety of subjects from pool games rules, pool strategies, tips and experiences from playing pool online and in real-life pool halls. To view our pool articles, simply click on the link that corresponds with that certain article
Online Pool Articles
Play89 pool room - playing 8ball and 9ball pool games online.
Yahoo pool tips - the best way to play pool on the most popular pool room online.
9-Ball Pool Articles
9-ball pool tournaments worldwide - all about the most significant 9-ball tournaments in the world.
Pool games that every 9-ball pool player would be interested in.
How to Avoid Being Hustled in 9-Ball Pool
9-ball pool tips - how to avoid being hustled when playing 9-ball pool.
Billiards and Snooker Articles
Women in billiard - since early history of billiards until our days.
The history of the snooker game from the end of the 19th century to our computerized days.
Billiards balls history and progression from the early days of the game until our days.
Introduction to the less familiar type of billiards game - carom billiards.
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