General Pool Rules 3.41 - 3.43
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These general rules apply to all pocket billiard games, UNLESS specifically noted to the contrary in the individual game rules. To facilitate the use and understanding of these general rules, terms that may require definition are set in italics so that the reader may refer to the Glossary of Billiard Terms section for the exact meaning of the term.
Illegal Marking
If the non-shooting player distracts his opponent or interferes with his play, he has fouled. If a player shoots out of turn, or moves any ball except during his inning, it is considered to be interference.
Players are not allowed to use a ball, the triangle or any other width-measuring device to see if the cue ball or an object ball would travel through a gap, etc. Only the cue stick may be used as an aid to judge gaps or as an aid to aligning a shot., so long as the cue is held by the hand. To do so otherwise is a foul and unsportsmanlike conduct. (Also see Rules 1.3, 1.4 and 2.15)
If a player intentionally marks the table in any way (including the placement of chalk) to assist in executing the shot, it is a foul.
If you still have unanswered questions about pocket billiards rules, visit our pool rules clarification page, or contact us and ask your question!
Continue Reading on BCA General Rules:
BCA General Rules 3.01 - 3.10
BCA General Rules 3.11 - 3.20
BCA General Rules 3.21 - 3.30